Saturday, April 23, 2016

General Reference: Cataloging

Basically cataloging in the General Reference Section -- probably all libraries today-- do copyloging as well. 
Second day in Gen Ref and the works are boring. I swear the weather and the fact that I have a lot of other things to do for my other subjects makes doing OJT a lot harder. 

I blame my laziness for this LOL.

In copyloging I was given 10 accession numbers and have to check OHIO Link and/or Cambridge and copy some necessary items specially the link from Cambridge since I was to catalog ebooks from Cambrigde (based on my understanding)

Sample Catalog
Sample Catalog 2

Right now I thought of writing my journal while I wait for the book to be given to me to index.

Honestly cataloging and indexing is a simple work but I don’t like it.

It’s funny how the staff work but at the same time go to Facebook. I do that sometimes since I feel what they feel; sitting for 8 hours doing library work in an air conditioned place and a comfy chair. I think they do that to avoid getting asleep. I sure as hell do.

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